Iran-backed Houthis transfer large quantities of weapons and UAVs from the port of Hodeidah to Salif

Security sources revealed that the Iran-backed Houthis have been transferring weapons and UAVs in succession from the port of Hodeidah to the port of Salif in western Yemen.

In the past few hours, the Houthi militia have transferred large quantities of weapons and UAVs in ready-to-assemble pieces, aboard small trucks and transport vehicles, from the port of Hodeidah to the port of Salif in the same province.

The port of Salif is considered one of the most strategic ports in Yemen, located 60 kilometers northwest of the city of Hodeidah on the Red Sea, and 6 kilometers away from the island of Kamaran on its western side.

The island of Kamaran serves as a security belt for the port of Salif, in addition to securing the entry and exit of ships. It also holds strategic importance as it overlooks international shipping routes from the west.

The sources suggested that the Houthis intend to transfer a portion of the weapons and UAVs to the island and retain the others in the port area, warning of the threat posed by these movements to international shipping lanes.

The sources do not rule out the intention of the Houthis to carry out hostile operations against external entities, which could expose the Yemeni coasts to the presence and spread of international forces as a prelude to their occupation.