Yemen court sentences four men to death over kidnapping of MSF aid workers

Four men accused of kidnapping two aid workers from the Doctors Without Borders (MSF) group last year have been sentenced to death by a court in Yemen eastern Hadhramaut province.

The Criminal Court of First Instance specialising in terrorism and state security cases convicted Mohammed Ali Al Harthi, Ali Ghaleb Al Shaafa Al Salhi, Abdulrahman Ali Al Salhi and Shihab Abdullah Al Salhi and ruled they should be either be beheaded or shot.

The court also convicted Mohammed Saleh Tareq of using a forged document and sentenced him to serve time under pretrial detention.

The court acquitted five other defendants in the same case.

In March 2022, two MSF employees were kidnapped in the south-east of the country, and released a few months later.

The convicts intercepted a car carrying two foreign MSF workers while they were travelling on the road linking the Al Abr and Al Khashaa districts west of Hadhramaut province in eastern Yemen, and took them to an unknown location.

Yemeni security forces freed the two aid workers, six months after their capture, and arrested several members of the group that carried out the kidnapping.