Iran-backed Houthis release 13 members of Al-Qaeda

The Iran-backed Houthis released thirteen members of the Al-Qaeda terrorist organization on Saturday after subjecting them to a sectarian course, raising questions about the relationship between the Houthis and Al-Qaeda.

Security sources told Khabar Agency that the Houthi militia released 13 members of the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda, among 32 terrorist elements, that the militias promised to release

According to sources, the members released belong to areas controlled by Al-Qaeda in the province of Al-Baydha. It is known that these members belong to the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda. The Houthi militias agreed to release them after Qatari mediation through the Qatari Red Crescent.

Among the elements who will be released later are about 6 individuals from the province of Abyan, who were arrested after carrying out car bombing operations and targeting facilities in the capital cities of Sanaa and Aden.